I always think of it as a systemic error.
Evolution , whether fully construed by us or not, is bound to be rational, too rational to the point of being cold, for it saw reason to allow our cognitive processes to develop something as irrational as emotion. It is sheer genius for reason probably justifies the existence of a sense that defies reason. If we do accept Darwinism, the ultimate sanctum of evolutionary theories, namely the survival of the fittest, the capacity to emote should, and is in all probability, be helping the same. I am not sure whether the elimination is caused by the over expression or the lack of it. The whole thing thus depends on the concept of death, rationalised by the fact that it is a logical part of the whole attempt of life, namely the end. Perfectly rational. But the emotional ability bestowed upon the naive and uninformed beings, namely us, is highly insulted and betrayed and left gasping by the outrageous sacrilege, namely death.
I always think of it as a systemic error.
One of them should have a cure. SHOULD.
Death or love.
I know. My shortest post ever. Thought it would spoil the thing if its explained.
And thanks for reading. :)
Beauty !!
technical.. but has depth! :) thanks for stopping by 'the pink orchid' :)
@the pink orchid
Thanks for stopping by. Please do drop in again.
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